Get Back on Your Feet

And so he left…

Perplexed with the reasons behind. Questioning my self-worth as I search for answers. Somber and lost as I crawl myself to my belief. Nothing is wrong with me as I repeatedly said. Stages of grief settled in.

He left because he wanted to. May the reason be the change of heart, the sense of coldness, the uninvited guest, the unsolvable chemistry… he certainly left because he chose to walk to that path.

Now is the time to move on.

Are you ready? Yes, you are! Stop sulking into the abyss of depression, stop eating nothing but gloominess, stop enjoying thinking about empty thoughts. It will for sure drain your seeping strength. Don’t allow yourself to be grabbed by anybody as you take those little baby steps to independence.

Get back on your feet because you definitely can. One, two, three or more years with him will soon be obliterated. Take the leap of faith. You are stronger than you think. You need no one to define you as it is your life to live. Here is a toast to your steady feet!


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